The Next Big Eclipse: When and Where to See It

Eclipse Science and Insights » Science » The Next Big Eclipse: When and Where to See It
Upcoming total solar eclipses offer breathtaking experiences across the globe. Planning ahead for the 2024, 2026, and 2027 eclipses can secure your spot in the path of totality for these celestial events.


Total solar eclipses, where the moon completely blocks the sun, turning day into an otherworldly twilight, are among the most spectacular celestial events one can witness. With careful planning, you can position yourself in the path of totality to experience the full majesty of an eclipse. This post will guide you through upcoming total solar eclipses, highlighting the best locations for viewing and offering tips to ensure a memorable eclipse-watching adventure.

Upcoming Total Solar Eclipses

  • April 8, 2024: This eclipse will carve a path across North America, from Mexico through the United States and into Canada. Key viewing spots include Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Indiana, Ohio, New York, and parts of eastern Canada. This eclipse offers a rare opportunity for millions in North America to experience totality without extensive travel.

  • August 12, 2026: Europe and the Arctic will be under the moon’s shadow during this eclipse. The path of totality will pass through Iceland, Spain, and Greenland, providing a unique backdrop for the eclipse. Northern Spain, in particular, will offer excellent viewing opportunities.

  • August 2, 2027: This eclipse will sweep across North Africa and the Middle East, offering spectacular views in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen. The long duration of totality in these regions will make it an especially breathtaking event.

Tips for Planning Your Eclipse-Watching Trip

  1. Book Early: Accommodations in the path of totality can fill up quickly, often years in advance. Book your stay as early as possible to secure a spot.

  2. Prepare for the Weather: Research the typical weather conditions for your chosen viewing location and time of year. Be prepared for any scenario, as weather can significantly impact your viewing experience.

  3. Safety First: Never look directly at the sun without proper eye protection. Ensure you have ISO-certified eclipse glasses to safely enjoy the event. Check out our Eclipse Essentials Shop for glasses and other items.

  4. Practice Photography: If you plan to photograph the eclipse, practice with your equipment beforehand. Remember, the totality phase is brief, so familiarity with your camera settings is crucial.

  5. Join a Community: Consider joining an eclipse-chasing group or tour. These communities offer valuable insights and can enhance your experience through shared excitement and knowledge.


Witnessing a total solar eclipse is an unforgettable experience, a reminder of the awe-inspiring phenomena that occur in our universe. By planning ahead and choosing the right location, you can ensure that your eclipse-watching trip is as magical as the event itself. Whether you’re a seasoned eclipse chaser or a first-timer, the upcoming eclipses offer a chance to witness one of nature’s most incredible displays.


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